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The Grand Exchange

Once you have cataloged your inventory the record will always show your history of exchanges. Items lost or stolen will be returned. The serpent is a sneaky thief we must log the trade routes to manage the massive amount of wealth being processed through our students. No more missing chords, amps, guitars, nothing left unaccounted for.


Church's Inventory

Your Trusted Musical Guide

This is your Review quote. It's a great place to share audience and critic reviews of you or your work, and to get site visitors excited.


Your Inventory

Share your items for trade offers and community growth.

They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. Acts 2:45


Requested Items

Need to use a piece of music equipment?

Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. Mattew 5:42

Music Mass


All trades and sales are recorded within The MXC.

This is your Review quote. It's a great place to share audience and critic reviews of you or your work, and to get site visitors excited.

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