I’m just happy I jumped through that hurdle don’t mind me. I can’t seem to connect the Facebook page I originally setup for this to actually show the posts so let me copy and paste some of the craziness going on so you guys can follow along this wild history that’s being made. Man, I totally spaced check out this leviathan tactic originally we planned to go to Hawaii in December but the dates were changed after my mom supposedly tested positive for COVID so the dates were changed to basically collide with this. I was kicked out on the 9th, the 13th my girlfriend went sex crazy addict on me, and by the 21st I was strung out again lost up north running from a million cars chasing me up in Redding 😅what a nasty concoction of attacks that lined up perfectly with my publication dates so they basically set me up to publish the worst version of me. Burn in Hell witches. The MXC still lives not only do I live they tried to murder me by spiking that sack of meth. Bro the vengeance of God oh what do you know this guy called him the son of dawn yeah good riddens scum bag is dead. Anyone else who takes his place will die also in the name of Jesus Christ. The works of satan always lead to an early death. I took shotgun blasts to the chest in the spirit. They come and block my grandmas car so they can look inside my grandmas garage to try to steal my drum set. Leviathan you don’t stand a chance against God even if you manage to steal my drum set it would be worthless to you as you have no talent from God or satan. If my drum set is stolen God will replace it with a better one. All you have is nothing to hope for Leviathan. You schemes are no match for Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command every demon of intimidation and theft to leave me now and go to outer darkness unless Jesus Christ commands you to go elsewhere. You have no power over me or my family Leviathan. You have no power over the outcome of my business Leviathan in the name of Jesus. You have no power over my future employments in the name of Jesus Christ Leviathan. You demons of fear have no power among the servants of Jesus Christ. Gangsters have only hopelessness and lies to look forward to. Your enemies will chase you, you will never be victorious, you are a slave to your gang leaders, you will never have peace, you will never have enough to eat, you won’t be able to sleep, your insides will decay inside your body you gangsters. The fires of he’ll wait in anticipation for your arrival. I’ve been using this weapon like there is no tomorrow. Let me tell you about these spiritual weapons. I think they work better than physical weapons. Spiritual weapons work against large demonic networks as a physical weapon might only harm the people in a single vicinity. Our weapons are not carnal but spiritual what verse is that…I swear man, dealing with the DXC is like dealing with a wild pit bull. Every time I try to work with them they bite the shit out of me. I’m not going anywhere though and their atheist church comes through us. Guess who has the keys 😅 it’s okay the MXC and The DXC are brothers The MXC was created back in 2019 the DXC was born this year July. They just need a bottle and their diaper changed we still love them. They hate God and religion with extreme passion. When they see The MXC killed wrongfully the world will see the ultimate Vikings of a Crusade take over the territory meant for the CXC. You think the MXC is Hostile wait until they meet our younger brother The DXC. My professional blogger I hired called it practicing extreme Christianity. I’m no where near a heart so passionate for what they believe in. In the darkest most evil drug dealing rooms I’ve ever step foot in I met real member of the DXC clean as a whistle living in harmony among the most wicked people on the face of the earth, and even drug dealers leave members of the DXC alone. The DXC have lost parents and pretty much everything and their musical talents are beyond anything I’ve ever heard breaking world records of memorized notes per song and challenging the standards of physical capabilities. I’m a comfort loving junkie on a good day, it’s going to take some serious fucked up shit before the DXC is agitated enough to avenge their older brother. We love you and I lay my life down willingly for my friends. You this book is wild. Have you ever heard the terminology unholy fasting what a way to describe drug use. You know now that I am studying this spirit and how to defend against it. I’m starting to smell the presence of Leviathan in Chinese made products. I guess it would take someone who has been in close quarters with this monster to see some of the effects of what is really going on. You know what’s really painful for me to discover is parents plotting against their children Leviathan is wicked beyond measure. We must prepare for its next attack there’s no telling how large the darkness is but the network is strongly unified. Thanks to social networking Facebook is right in step with the works of Leviathan drop off this vile platform. She uses your personal information against you. This book is so right on with what I’ve been experiencing and from the 10 years of teachings that Rich and Carol gave me at Set Free Ministries about spiritual warfare. I have encountered this decree where I felt like I just wouldn’t be accepted unless I submitted unto death to be apart of evil and I refused at the threshold. This book talks about that being sort of the requirement to be involved with the Python spirit it makes a lot of sense why so many deep plots and schemes have been used against me. I dedicated my life to Christ at a very young age and I guess they always knew that my dedication to him was a valid unbreakable decree and all my spiritual gifts and protections have been amplified because of it. I know that if I submitted into death to leviathan he would have just used the opportunity to murder me. Man, I totally spaced check out this leviathan tactic originally we planned to go to Hawaii in December but the dates were changed after my mom supposedly tested positive for COVID so the dates were changed to basically collide with this. I was kicked out on the 9th, the 13th my girlfriend went sex crazy addict on me, and by the 21st I was strung out again lost up north running from a million cars chasing me up in Redding 😅what a nasty concoction of attacks that lined up perfectly with my publication dates so they basically set me up to publish the worst version of me. Burn in Hell witches. The MXC still lives not only do I live they tried to murder me by spiking that sack of meth. Bro the vengeance of God oh what do you know this guy called him the son of dawn yeah good riddens scum bag is dead. Anyone else who takes his place will die also in the name of Jesus Christ. The works of satan always lead to an early death. I took shotgun blasts to the chest in the spirit. There is this kid and his parents knew he was called into ministry by God and his parents being deeply involved in the works of leviathan set their own child up to commit a crime against God and get it on camera maybe for leverage as an adult but another group of wicked individuals intercepts the information and threatens the parents to expose their deeds to their child and to avoid further confrontation and investigation parents comply to servants of Leviathan against their own children plotting failure and disaster for their own children. As early as 6-7 years old carrying out plans against a child’s future. Leviathan is wicked beyond measure. Test your parents for they have not protected you! Mother against daughter father against son you must leave family for my sake. I wrote a song a long time ago about these treacherous venomous destiny killers and now I see them in full view. You the reader are now aware I do not doubt this city of Bakersfield is under the control of Leviathan I can even prove the church has been influenced by the evil leverage pullings of the servants of leviathan. My own family search’s for someone to murder me. If you have proven publicly to be a Christian leviathan has drawn close to you. Pull away from your relationships with others my guess is your best friend has agreed to the plotting and scheming of the works of Leviathan against those who stand in the faith for every evil and darkness resides close to the believer. Leviathan is the source and social media has connected their network to destroy the works of God. You must pray and read your Bible. The darkness has grown out of control and we have been blind. The church has led us astray there is never a greater time to draw from the power of Jesus Christ right now rebuke the enemy. They monitor all your finances, every text message and social media post is being held against you with scrutiny. The believer is at war. Fight back wake up!!!!!!!wake up!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! Oh Sleeping Giant they move in to kill you. They are not frugal with money because they want you to save money. Never expose how much money you have. They plot to apprehend you in every way possible, constantly badger you to expose your finances, and calculate the price of all your belongings. Drug addicts and servants of leviathan search for any means of gain at the highest levels because money is the root of all evil. The blessings of the lord is so intense The MXCs request for 5000 square foot piece of property is not even big enough to contain the wealth of God’s musicians. We will need a second building. Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses never never never glance at another image of pornography on your phone. I mean it there is no version of leviathans accusations where you get away with anything anymore. The accusations are becoming momentary every moment someone without your permission is giving an unauthorized account of you to the servants of leviathan you must strangle hold your sexually activeness, you must stop taking that little extra that doesn’t belong to you the big brother system in beyond advanced now. Please brothers you must never fall prey to sin again. We can do this. It’s our last stand. They are running scared pray for strength when you are tempted. Leviathan lost the battle but they are regrouping and I am but one person shouting. Who knows how this social media platform will twist my words. In the name of Jesus Christ this is a real war marry that girl who your sleeping with get out from under Leviathans accusations. You will prove Holy by April 2022 in the name of Jesus Christ. Leviathan will recognize that we have made a stand against its kingdom it is because no one has proven Holy that it has taken so much of our territory. I shouldn’t have to fear for my life. Stand for God or this city will be overrun and no police officer will be able to help you. Leviathan is always doing evil every second. Sodom and Gomorrah is Childs play compared to the works of Leviathan. You want to get clean off drugs walk away from these recovery programs. Fake oOo…man…look they be acting all proud of you to start your journey to recovery. This entire city is corrupt and strung out on drugs. These recovery home leaders be acting all proud of you in your journey to sobriety they can’t even pee clean. They have their little tricks of the trade to pee clean, but if you want to stay clean find where the Holy Spirit is and get connected. Pray and ask God to lead you to where he is and start walking in the Spirit. Everyone is in this plague it’s like the matrix up in here everyone is an agent accept those who slip through the cracks by the Spirit. No one here is going to cheer you on in your journey they just want to monitor your finances so they can use you to keep getting high and sleeping with all the cute girls in town. They’ll make you out to be the criminal when they are raping everyone even the police department is involved. Someone please just drown this city already. We need to blow the lake Isabella dam. This is an unrepentant city.
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