I am the owner of The Metalcore Church EIN: 86-2398073, and I need help explaining what I’m doing. I’m creating a Christian Business not a 501c3. The 501c3 is being used to abuse the LGBTQ community and The Metalcore Church (The MXC) is not going to be convicted of abusing them. We have never attacked or abused them, so we won’t be included in the assault against churches who try to do some ritual to help them not be gay anymore. We are first and foremost a concert venue, and we just rent a venue when a band agrees to perform a show through us. The Christian Church side of the Metalcore Church is being fashioned into a deliverance ministry a radical prophetic movement that teaches spiritual warfare. We will continue to fight for rights to obtain legal documents to become licensed deliverance ministers. Although the metalcore community is heavily opposed to me owning the domains and the business license I have set the price of the business at 1,500,000. Several members of The All Consuming Podcast Discord have used their platform to mock me and where I’m from we don’t tare our brothers in Christ down we build each other up. A large portion of the metalcore community is trying to harm me with physical violence but I can assure you they will be met with swift violence. People keep trying to hold me accountable as a pastor but the truth is I own the business it’s my job to hire the pastor, but they get so angry because no matter how many mistakes I make my position with the state of California remains intact. If I hire a pastor and someone comes to me that the pastor I hired is blatantly sinning then it is my responsibility to determine if disciplinary action is needed. There is no removing me. Welcome to the MXC. I’m your host forever Raymond Joey Hargreaves.
Current Controversies
Updated: Feb 27, 2023