I have this picture of me at age 13, with a mohawk, getting baptized in the Kern River. There is a lot of content I rummaging through, so bear with me. I'll do my best to stay with the timeline. I accepted Christ at a very early age under the precepts that Jesus was good. I felt a heavy calling and anointing after receiving Christ. I remember the room I accepted Christ at, but my mom pulled my family out of that church after discovering that my step dad was stealing my mom's tithing money and using it for drugs. If you remember the days when WWF was at it's peak with The Rock and Stone Cold I had a very large number of friends who were backyard wrestling all the time. The After school program I was in had me in gymnastics with the cheerleaders, and being a spotter for a semester got me probably the worst of bullying. My mom bought one of the gymnastics mats from my gymnastics teacher so we could wrestle on and we went on a power bombing crusade. I have this one memory of one of the older kids wrestling with us picked up my friend Josh and power bombed him on the sidewalk full blast. We didn't have cell phones in Jr high or I'd share the video. Skateboarding everyday in Bakersfield before we had skateparks at all we skated curbs and stairs. I mastered the hard flip and impossible before anyone believed it was possible in my neighborhood. I could Ollie 7 decks, front side flip, switch flip, and bigflip before I even knew about the 360 flip. I remember practicing the hardflip for days and I threw it fast to try not to ice pick and the board did a full 360 circle between my legs my friends didn't know what to call the trick but I rolled away. I called it the dolphin flip then but it wasn't until TikTok I learned it's not a dolphin flip. When my parents divorced I stayed with my step dad for a little bit on the west side of Bakersfield, and started smoking cigarettes regularly. I made a lot of friends, and we danced lol. We danced to dance music before Dance Dance Revolution and we had break dancing garage parties at each other's houses. We fought over girlfriends and smoked weed before it was legal in California.
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