Slowly realizing that Traffickers in our city here are directly tied to Leviathan's network. These guys are employees of traffickers. At first, I believed they were gangsters, but you can always tell Leviathan members because of the long-term effects of anger and anguish that shows in their cheek bones. Malnourished, deep dank smell because they can't stay at a place with access to a shower regularly. The operate way below one cigarette. Just today I witnessed Guys shooting up heroine at Mechanics Bank arena Downtown Bakersfield and Guys smoking meth there. An addict cannot be a member of leviathan. Members of Leviathan who become addicted face violence from their employers. Also known as workers of iniquity, they promote drug use to create profit. Think about the coolest person you know. The idea formed by the vision of what defines cool is the familiar spirit the devil uses to lure you into the environment. Taking a young addict to a trafficker is how they make a living. The financial distribution is an absolute zero expense tactic when I see Christians operating this way with their finances it exposes their tendency to have more money for drugs. Any expense is a heresy against the increasing cost of their drugs, but the ever-increasing tolerance is starving the financial increases. Leviathan's network has a long history of control financial disbursements. That's why it doesn't surprise me to find members lurking at CSUB the last three semesters I was attending because if they haven't already, they may have already obtained financial control of State Funding as well as any other government subsidiary's including control of the voting system here. I am ready to declare city under siege, but I think the changes that have been made have been monitored and the rude awakening that's coming should be expected because evil always loses but it feels like God was like wait let's see how far evil can get before, we restrain it. And to their surprise, evil has taken control of the entire system and exposed themselves to masters of the game. Oh, sweet justice is coming swiftly, that remind me of a verse:
Heaven and earth will testify against what has occurred today: you'll surely and swiftly be destroyed from the land that you are about to possess by crossing the Jordan River. You won't live long in it, because you'll certainly be exterminated.